Who is the father of modern computer? , How many types of computers?
Thus the first computer was called "abacus" which was invented in 1822 by "William Oughtred".
Later, however, the first modern computer machine was the "Analytical Engine", designed by Charles Babbage, a British mathematician, between about 1833 and 181.
Charles Babbage is also known as the father of computers.
2. How many types of computers? Types of computers: ~
Thus, when we say computer, we understand only desktop computer or laptop.
* Remember, there are different types of computers. In addition to the desktop computer or laptop you and I have at home, there are different types. The different types of computers are: ~
1: -Super computer
2: -Mainframe computer
3: -Mini computer
4: -Micro computer
<1: -Super computer: ~ This type of computer is much faster and much larger in size.
And, they are not used for general purposes like our ordinary computers.
* This type of advanced computer is used for scientific and engineering applications. Because, in this kind of work, you have to handle a large number of databases.
* Moreover, these types of supercomputers are only capable of performing many more computational operations.
In terms of performance: - These super computers are a thousand times faster and more accurate than ordinary computers.
<2: -Mainframe computer: Mainframe computers are used by many large organizations for some crisis-filled applications.
* This type of computer also has a large amount of storage, much larger size, a lot of powerful processing capacity and some other powerful capabilities.
* Various large organizations use this type of mainframe computer for larger data processing.
Mini computers:
which will have a lot of power as well as modern and powerful processing power, but their size will be small.
* It is the computer between the microcomputer and the mainframe computer. This is because these types of computers are larger in size than microcomputers and smaller than mainframe computers.
* However, it is less powerful and powerful than supercomputers and mainframe computers.
** You must have used this type of computer.
Desktop computer
Notebook / laptop computers
Network computer
These are some of the types of mini computers.
This type of computer was created for use in general work, especially at home and in the office.
However, they were used only for general word processing and accounting purposes.
Micro computer:
Now, after all the above mentioned types of computers, micro computer comes.
These are much smaller in size than supercomputers, mainframe computers and mini computers.
However, it is possible to use this type of computer at a much lower cost.
These are some of the more advanced and advanced computers where a central processing unit (CPU) is used as the microprocessor.
Moreover, in addition to the use of memory or RAM for the use of input and out device here are given in some places on the circuit board.
Many small computers of this type were made for personal use. We call these microcomputers simply computer or PC😊😊
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